Saturday, 22 March 2014

Maths for Week 8

For Maths this week, as a class focus, we are learning to order numbers to 10.

Circles Group are learning to recognise numbers and make sets to 10.  We will be using the app Doodle Buddy to create sets - 

Squares are learning to say the number before and after to 10. 

Diamonds are learning to add small numbers using their fingers.

We are turning into real mathematicians!

Painting - Using the Palette Paints

On Friday we enjoyed using the palette paints for the first time.  We learnt how to use water to get the colour brighter.  We also learnt how to hold and use our paintbrush.
Next week we will be making patterns.  We can't wait!
Enjoying our painting at our tables

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Greedy Cat

We have a very big Greedy Cat in our class!  He likes to eat everything!  
Room 1 have enjoyed reading two stories about Greedy Cat...
look at all the yummy things in his tummy!

What Happened to the Lizard?

Today we read a story called "Lizard Loses His Tail".  We wrote some stories about it.  Check out these super writers!  
We are learning to write letters for sounds we know and to also write words we know using our tent cards!

Monday, 17 March 2014

Super Writers for Tuesday

Check these out!!!  Look at these super writers in Room 1!

Before and After

Today Zara and Caleb were learning about before and after.  They are working really hard to remember the before means back one and after means next....
Here is some work they were doing today - aren't they clever!

Sunday, 16 March 2014

We Made Popcorn!

This morning we got the last letter in our treat word.  It spelt out... POPCORN!!!
This afternoon we all helped Mrs G make a couple of bowls of popcorn... we really enjoyed eating it :-)
Tomorrow at Writing time, we are going to share stories about making popcorn!

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Awesome Lion Writing Today!

Check out the fabulous writing happening in Room 1!!!
What superstars!!!!

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Our School Community

We have been learning about the people in our school and where they work during the day.  Today we visited Miss Kittow and Mrs McEntee in Room 3 and Room 4.  We went on a Teacher Hunt!
We also talked about the job Mrs Warren does in the school office and then we drew her using our pencils.  Our drawings are pretty cool!

Monday, 3 March 2014

Hickory Dickory Dock

Our Super Handwriters for Tuesday

Today Nasoni and Shaun did beautiful handwriting.  They wrote their names and sat their l on the line.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Super Handwriting

Check out today's super-duper Handwriting.  Tayla did a lovely job with her b work!

Blue Balloon Day

Today we had a Blue Balloon day in Room 1!  We were looking at the letter b and at Reading time, we decorated our own blue balloon.