Friday, 6 June 2014

Thank You

Thank you to those parents who have filled out the Interest Survey Letter I sent home last week.  It is an awesome way for me to get to know your children better :-)

If you have not completed this and still want to, please fill it in and send it back to school in your child's bookbag... it is not too late :-)  Also, if you did not receive this, please do not hesitate to ask me for a copy.

Many thanks

Mrs G 

Buzzy Bees

We are becoming bee experts in Room 1... we can not wait for our trip to the Arataki Honey Farm in Week 7!!!
Today for art we decided to be like the children in the Magic School Bus story about bees... 

Wonderful Handwriting

Georgia has been working super hard at remembering to write her name with a capital G!  She did it today without any reminding... well done Georgia!