Tuesday, 31 March 2015


Check the future newbies to Team Tahi  who can "read it", "build it" and "write it".  The Teddy Bear words that is!  
Cohen worked hard at writing the letter "e" and found it really easy when we used the Jolly Phonics formation - "line and a caterpillar c".  

Kini is enthusiastic and had lots of fun, reading, building and writing the Teddy Bear Words.

Naima likes coming to transition and sharing her knowledge.  

Ali is dressed and ready for school!  
Hurry up Term 2 - Ali is ready to start!

Keasyn is also ready to start school in his lovely new uniform!
We are looking forward to sharing our days with you Keasyn.

Amelia works with Keasyn, reading, building and writing the Teddy Bear words.

Sammy can read, build and write the
Teddy Bear words as well.
What a gorgeous smile you share with others Sammy! 

What very smart 4 year olds we are welcoming to Team Tahi.
We can't wait until you all start!  

Thursday, 26 March 2015


Team 1 had a most fantastic
experience when we visited
Pernel's Fruit World.  What
a great day we all had.  It was
a beautiful day and we loved
the ride on the tractor and Doug 
(our driver) was fantastic sharing lots of information with us.  Thanks Doug!  Thanks Pernel's.  Thanks to our whanau who came and shared the day with us.  You rock!  We could not have these experiences without you.  We love finding out all about our community and the treasures Hawke's Bay has to offer us.  
Jack looks like a real tractor driver - Watch our Doug - I think Jack wants your job!

Watch where your going Levi!

Yummy apples to eat!

Feeding the animals was a real highlight!

Watch out Doug - you are so high!

We loved riding in the trailer!
BRRRRRRRRRRR!  It is cold and smelly in the cool stores!

Gorgeous Team Tahi!

Apple Crumble to finish was a real highlight. Yummy!

We had to peel an aporo each, cut it up and then put it into the baking trays.  Miss T and Mrs McKinley made the crumble and then we baked it!  We ate it with ice-cream.  It was delicious!

Nathaniel and Lucien came in and shared the crumble with us!

Tuesday, 10 March 2015


Team Tahi had a fantastic visit from ABC Mahora today.  What awesome children who sat on the mat with us and learnt about the letter "c" and "a".  Team Tahi helped our friends learn the letter sound of both letters and how to form the letter on the whiteboards.  Then we made a crotchety crab .... with eyes and claws.  What a cool morning we had.  Thanks for coming ABC - we look forward to more visits.